Monday, October 19, 2009

Observation 2: Dye in style

(First, let me apologize for the delay in posts. For those who don't know, I was just given a new job so now I work about 40 hrs in 4 days. The good news is, I have more money to go on more trips. So, I'm sorry for those of you who kept checking for updates, but I won't keep you waiting any longer.)

Apparently there's a new trend spreading through Spain, old ladies with bright hair. Every where I go, I am bound to see at least one person along the way with red, pink or purple hair. And I'm not talking about a dye job gone bad, I'm talking about hair so bright you could see it with your eyes close. Lady Gaga's got nothing on these girls.

I would understand if a few misguided, rebel teens and twenties wanted to spice up their life, but we're talking 50, 60, and 70 year-old ladies here. Think about how embarrassing it would be if you were in their family and they died. "We were going to have an open-casket ceremony, but the pastor wouldn't allow it." Honestly, they should be fined for disturbing the peace.

So please, ladies, if you're reading this... leave the hair dying to drag queens and pop singers.

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