Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Observation 1: Cristiano is Portugese, right?

I was walking past the newsstand the other day when I noticed 25 Cristiano Ronaldo's staring back at me. Holy crap! This guy is on the cover of every magazine! And I don't just mean the sports ones... He's on the cover of Boats and Fish, Home & Garden, and Exercises for Senior Citizens. Ronaldo is a narcissist and I'm sure even he is sick of seeing his own face.

Yo andaba pasado un kiosko de periodicos el otro dia cuando vi 25 Cristiano Ronaldo's mirando fijamente a mi. Dios mio! Este hombre esta en la portada de todas revistas! Y no los deportes solamente... El esta en la portada de Barcos y peces, Hogar y Jardin, y Ejercisios para La Tercera Edad. Ronaldo es narciso y seguro que este harto de ver la cara suya.

1 comment:

  1. porque he's caliente!

    posting comments is weird so i'm just under anonymous cause it's easier

