Friday, March 19, 2010

Needles in schools

Today I discovered a strange thing. During one of my classes at the Secondary School, the students were taken from me and sent to a room to receive a tetanus shot. Apparently most vaccines are given to students at the school other than at a doctor's office. I guess that is what you get when there's free national medical care.

You (or at least I) also get kids throwing their bloody bandages at each other in a game of "TAG- You've got AIDS." The worst thing was watching a 15 year-old girl breakdown in the middle of the hall crying, refusing to get the shot. 

To make matters worst, the boys that were coming out of the room were holding their shoulder as if they were in pain. Girl freaked out. That embarassing moment will never leave her, at least not me anyway.

While I'm all for free Healthcare, let's try and keep it out of the schools.

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