Monday, September 7, 2009

Lesson 1: If you're going to buy the cheapest flight across the world, be prepared for what they serve you.

23/8/2009, 5:40 am

I just spent my first night in Europe. I don't know why I was only able to sleep five hours. After my recent travel experience I was assuming I would fall into a temporary coma.

Our flight out of NYC was suppose to leave at 6pm. However, at 5pm thunderstorms decided to blow in stranding us on the ground, but in the plane, for an extra two hours. We were skeptical of the flight long before the rain came. The airline was Jet Airways, a relatively new airline based out of India. While some might question a $350 ticket from the US to Europe, we embraced the idea of risking our lives for a few hundred dollars.

We were pleasantly surprised by the flight, it was not bad at all. We had personal TVs that let us choose from a variety of movies, games, TV shows and music. While half the listings were Indian, it still made for a nice entertainment collection. We also had pillows and blankets waiting for us at our seats.

I would say the most uncomfortable experience of that flight was the food. Like the flight attendants, it was Indian and kind of harsh. While it did not taste too bad, its effects on the passengers were evident by the long lines waiting for the toilets only moments after the meal. I enjoyed a stomach ache for the rest of the trip that prohibited me from getting any sleep on a seven hour flight.

When we finally landed in Brussels, we were an hour and a half late and had less than 30 minutes to catch our connecting flight to Madrid. We immediately began to run down the hall with four carry-ons, three strapped to my neck. Our first hurdle came when we had to stop and show our passports at customs. It took 15 minutes to get a stamp, and then we rushed down two more hallways before reaching the security check point.

Of course with our plane leaving in under 10 minutes, one of our bags has to be searched. Afterward we strap back up and make a mad dash for the gate. When we arrive the door is shut but the plane is still at the gate. We checked in and got on the plane and within a minute of sitting down the plane started to leave

We were out of breath and sweating profusely and couldn't believe that we had just RAN
through that airport and made the flight. Unfortunately our luggage couldn't keep up. They are still in Brussels, I think... So after another two hour flight, a purse full of orange juice, realization that our bags had not made it to Madrid, and a four hour bus ride to Bilbao, here I am, wide awake at 5 in the morning. I hate Indian food.

He pasado mi primera noche en europa. No se la razon, pero he podido dormir cinco horas solamente. Despues mi experiencia de viajes reciente, pense que caiga en coma temporal.

Nuestro vuelo de Nueva York suponia salir a las 6. Sin embargo, a las 5 una tormenta llego que nos mantuvo en la tierra por dos horas mas. La compania aerea era Jet Airways, una comania aerea nueva de India. Unas personas tienen miedo de un billete de avion que cuenta $350 de EEUU a Europa, pero abrazamos la idea para ahorrar cientos de dolares.

Estuvimos sorpresa sobra el vuelo. Cada persona tuvo una television personal con peliculas, video juegos, programas televisivos y musica. Mientras miedo de la lista estaba indio, la era buen entretenimiento. Recibimos una almohada y una manya en nuestras localidades tambien.

La comida era la menor comodo de el vuelto. Como las azafatas, la era indio y me sento mal. Aunque la sabio bien, los efectos de la comida en los pasajeros eran evidentes por las lineas largas de gente esperaba por los servicios despues de comer. Disfrute de un dolor de estomago para la duracion del viaje que me prohibio de dormir en un vuelto de siete horas.

Cuando llegamos en Brussels, llegamos tarde por una hora y media y tenemos menos de 30 minutos para coger el vuelto proximo a Madrid. Nosotoros empezamos a correr inmediatamente por el vestibulo con cuatro bosas de viaje, hay tres alrededor de mi cuello. Nuestra primera valla vino cuando tuvimos que parar mostrar nuestros pasaportes. Lo toco 15 minutos para recibir un sello, luego corrimos por dos vestibulos mas antes de alcanzar seguridad.

Claro, hay 10 minutos hasta nuesto vuelto sale y una bolsa tuvo que estar busqueda. Nos vestimos las bolsas y seguimos a correr a la puerta de embarque. Cuando llegamos, la puerta estuvo cerrado pero el avion esta alli todavia. Facturamos y nos subimos en el avion y un minuto despues de sentarnos, el avion salio.

Estabamos sin aliento y sudabamos mucho y no pudimos creer que hemos CORRIDO por esto aeropuerto y nos hemos subido en el avion. Desafortunadamente nuestras maletas pudieron coger el vuelto. Todavia estan en Brussels, yo pienso... Entonces, despues un otro vuelto de dos horas, un bolso lleno de zumo de naranja, averiguamos que nuestras maletas no estan en madrid y una vuelta de cuatro horas por autobus a Bilbao, estoy aqui, me despierto son las 5 por la manana. Me odia comida india.

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