Thursday, November 19, 2009

Observation 3: Bilbao's individuality will touch your sole

After taking heed to my own warning to watch my step (so not to walk  into dog dung) i realized a peculiar thing, all the sidewalks have unique patterned-tiles. I asked Sara's Dad about these tiles and he told me that they could only be found in Bilbao and the surrounding area. This didn't surprise me one bit, after all this is Bilbao, a city that prides itself on doing things different from everyone else. I would compare Bilbao's love for itself somewhere along the same line as College Station's. However, that's about the only thing they have in common as College Station is about a tenth the size and its most prestigious building is the Bush Presidential Library.

The tile is about 1'x1' and broken into four identical sections. Each section resemble a flower sitting on a grid. There's a circle in the middle of each square with four more circles protruding from the center one at 90 degree angles. Lines shoot out of each of these circles towar- OK this is too complicated to explain, let me just show you.

There are you happy now? You made me steal a tile from the City of Bilbao just because you couldn't use your imagination and visualize it on your own. I could have been caught, and then who knows what they would have done to a foreign kid stealing from them, probably just throw me in jail. And Lord knows I couldn't make it in prison.

Sure I could have just taken a picture of the sidewalk instead of taking a tile off a stack next to some workers who were reconstructing a sidewalk and then stuff it into my backpack and then hike around all day with it between jobs making my back hurt for three days. Sure I could have, but I decided to risk my life for you and this blog, that's how dedicated I am.


  1. -and no, that's not my gross foot, i used a stunt double.

  2. knowing you, i'm a tad disappointed. after your cone-stealing days I expect better from tiles.

  3. ps we have the same awkward pinky toes! ewww
